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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Yoga Styles or Yoga Paths or Types of Yoga

The basis of ashtanga yoga is the  Yoga sutras (Sanskrit Verses) of Patanjali.

1.  Yama (Principles)
2.  Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
3.  Asana (Yoga Positions or Yogic Postures)
4.  Pranayama (Yogic Breathing)
5.  Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses)
6.  Dharana (Concentration on Object)
7.  Dhyan (Meditation)
8.  Samadhi (Salvation

Is it necessary for the user to be religious/God fearing to practice Yoga || Yoga Questions Answer

Is it necessary for the user to be religious/God fearing to practice Yoga?

Certainly not .But you should have total faith in what you practice otherwise it will be fruitless .If you want to practice Yoga you must have faith in Yoga.

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When should a patient take Yoga Treatment | Yoga Questions Answer

When should a patient take Yoga Treatment?

When a Patient needs quick relief he takes Allopathic ,Ayurveda or Homeopathy treatment. But when such treatment does not bring in the required effect a patient takes “Yoga Treatment” because these treatments cure without medicine.

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Can you reduce sleep by practicing Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

Can you reduce sleep by practicing Yoga?

Yes, being Yoga as Relaxation Technique , the practice of it reduces the Body’s consumption in daily routine. The sound sleep obtained through Yoga can give peace of mind.

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How can Yoga be helpful to improve your personality | Yoga Questions Answer

How can Yoga be helpful to improve your personality?

 The physical development as well as psychological improvement can be obtained by Yoga. The proportionate body structure can lead to increase your confidence. The stability of mind, increase in the concentration of the mind can be obtained with the help of Yoga.

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Which are the diseases that can be cured by Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

Which are the diseases that can be cured by Yoga?

Yoga can be useful in reducing the effects of the diseases like Hypertension,Spondilities,Asthma,Arthritis,Slipdisc,Digestive disorders, menstrual disorders, mental disorders and sleeplessness and many more like these.

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What is Pranayama | Yoga Questions Answer

What is Pranayama?

 Pranayama means controlling the Prana i.e. bio energy which is behind all activities of the body.

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Are there any special instructions for the women while practicing Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

Are there any special instructions for the women while practicing Yoga?
* The women should perform Yogasana under the experts guidance.
 * One should not perform Yogasanas during the menstrual period.
 * There are some techniques which are prohibited for the women.

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How is Yoga helpful for Women/ housewifes | Yoga Questions Answer

How is Yoga helpful for Women/ housewifes?

Apart from common benefits of Yoga some special Yogic techniques help women to increase their physical and mental health.

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What does the word "Yoga" means || Yoga Questions Answer

What does the word "Yoga" means?

 The word Yog comes from Sanskrit verb "Yuj" which means to join. Here we mean to join the Atma Tattva (Soul) with Paramatma Tattva (God).

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Tuesday 23 April 2013

What is Relaxation technique | Yoga Questions Answer

What is Relaxation technique?
Relaxation technique is the way to keep your body relaxed and give it maximum peace of mind. It increases the performance of mind and body both.

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How is Yoga helpful for children | Yoga Questions Answer

How is Yoga helpful for children?

Special techniques like Omkar, Yoganidra can increase the concentration of mind and memory. Also the techniques like Surya Namaskara increase the physical fitness of the child.

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How Yoga can help in reducing stress in the office | Yoga Questions Answer

How Yoga can help in reducing stress in the office?

Yoga helps in reducing physical, mental and emotional stress. If you practice Yoga everyday it can certainly help to reduce your stress in the office.

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What is the easiest Yogic practice | Yoga Questions Answer

What is the easiest Yogic practice?

 Shavasana,Omkar Chanting and Yoganidra. Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga which explains asanas,pranayama and meditation. Anybody can practice these techniques.

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Is it necessary for the user to be religious/God fearing to practice Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

Is it necessary for the user to be religious/God fearing to practice Yoga?
Certainly not .But you should have total faith in what you practice otherwise it will be fruitless .If you want to practice Yoga you must have faith in Yoga.

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Is there any age limit while performing Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

Is there any age limit while performing Yoga?

 Yoga can be practiced at all ages above twelve 12 years .It can be practiced at the age of 80, years. But one should do only those asanas that are suitable to one’s physical conditions.

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Can Yoga be helpful in the weight reduction | Yoga Questions Answer

Can Yoga be helpful in the weight reduction?

Yes, Only if Yoga practices like Yogasana and Pranayama can improve the digestion capacity of the body which reduces excessive fat consumption of the body.

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What is the advantage of Yoga over to other Exercises | Yoga Questions Answer

What is the advantage of Yoga over to other Exercises?

Exercise increases strength and stamina of the muscles but Yoga affects complete body mind complex and triggers a change from negative to positive direction on the physical , mental ,spiritual plane of existence.

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What are the preparatory steps which are to be followed before starting the Yoga practice | Yoga Questions Answer

 What are the preparatory steps which are to be followed before starting the Yoga practice?

It is essential to follow the preparatory steps before starting with the practice
 * You have to study each asana properly before practicing it.
 * Follow the breathing instructions given to you.
 * Do not hold the breath after attaining the final posture.
 * Try to follow the instructions as much as you can without any trouble.
 * Stop immediately if your muscles are overloaded or you will suffer from severe pain anywhere in the body.
 * If there is no pleasure then the posture can't be called Asana.
 * Maintain the full control over the movements of your limbs while performing asana.
 * Do not loose the control as it may cause trouble to your muscles.
 * Any time you feel tired, practice Shavasana for few minutes to relax.
 * Release the asana posture if the steadiness is lost and your muscle starts vibrating.
 * As far as possible keep your eyes closed during the practice.
 * Do not practice these asanas more than once in a day.
 * Do not practice those asanas, which are not prescribed to you.

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What is the difference between Yogasanas and other exercises | Yoga Questions Answer

What is the difference between Yogasanas and other exercises?

Yoga is the Science as a whole. Yogic practices which are used for curing physical and mental disorders are referred as Yogic Techniques.

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Which is the best time to perform Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

Which is the best time to perform Yoga?

Early in the morning. But if not possible then , You can practice Yoga in the evening at least Four hours after your lunch.

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Should Yoga be practiced only in the morning | Yoga Questions Answer

Should Yoga be practiced only in the morning?
You can practice yoga in the afternoon also But your stomach should be empty while practicing. Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for practice, provided no additional food is taken in between.

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What are Do’s and Don'ts while practicing Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

What are Do’s and Don'ts while practicing Yoga?

Time for practice -
Actually anytime is suitable if your stomach is empty. Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for practice, provided no additional food is taken in between.

Practice the sessions continuously -
Do not split the time of study in the morning and evening.

Place -
The place where you are going to study must be spacious, airy, pollution free, warm and with not so bright lights.

Accessories Used -You can use carpet or mattress for the study.

Position -As explained in ancient texts, you should face either east or north during the study.
Please be sure that telephone, Television, Doorbell or any other thing should not disturb you during the study.

Clothes -
Do not wear tight clothes, but loose clothing during practice.
You should be physically fit to practice. (Please confirm this from your physician before starting this practice.)

You must learn the proper Yogasana before this study.

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What is the meaning of Asana | Yoga Questions Answer

What is the meaning of Asana?

Asana is a steady and comfortable posture of body.

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How is Yoga helpful in our day to day life | Yoga Questions Answer

How is Yoga helpful in our day to day life?

In our day to day life a human being is undergoing through different kinds of Stress. He is always in search of sailing the ship on the way of happiness and peace of mind.

His real happiness lies within himself only. The stable mind and well tuned body can give him a real joy which does not vanish like our materialistic happiness. These things can be achieved through Yoga. Yoga can control the working of mind. It also helps in reducing some physical and mental disorders.

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What is Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a way of life which helps to control mind and helps in developing your personality.

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Sunday 21 April 2013

What the Science Says About Yoga

Current research suggests that a carefully adapted set of yoga poses may reduce low-back pain and improve function. Other studies also suggest that practicing yoga (as well as other forms of regular exercise) might improve quality of life; reduce stress; lower heart rate and blood pressure; help relieve anxiety, depression, and insomnia; and improve overall physical fitness, strength, and flexibility. But some research suggests yoga may not improve asthma, and studies looking at yoga and arthritis have had mixed results.

One NCCAM-funded study of 90 people with chronic low-back pain found that participants who practiced Iyengar yoga had significantly less disability, pain, and depression after 6 months.
In a 2011 study, also funded by NCCAM, researchers compared yoga with conventional stretching exercises or a self-care book in 228 adults with chronic low-back pain. The results showed that both yoga and stretching were more effective than a self-care book for improving function and reducing symptoms due to chronic low-back pain.

Conclusions from another 2011 study of 313 adults with chronic or recurring low-back pain suggested that practicing yoga for 12 weeks resulted in better function than usual medical care.

However, studies show that certain health conditions may not benefit from yoga.
A 2011 systematic review of clinical studies suggests that there is no sound evidence that yoga improves asthma.

A 2011 review of the literature reports that few published studies have looked at yoga and arthritis, and of those that have, results are inconclusive. The two main types of arthritis—osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis—are different conditions, and the effects of yoga may not be the same for each. In addition, the reviewers suggested that even if a study showed that yoga helped osteoarthritic finger joints, it may not help osteoarthritic knee joints.

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Yoga Side Effects and Risks


Yoga in its full form combines physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and a distinct philosophy. There are numerous styles of yoga. Hatha yoga, commonly practiced in the United States and Europe, emphasizes postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Hatha yoga styles include Ananda, Anusara, Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar, Kripalu, Kundalini, Viniyoga, and others.

Side Effects and Risks

* Yoga is generally low-impact and safe for healthy people when practiced appropriately under the guidance of a well-trained instructor.

* Overall, those who practice yoga have a low rate of side effects, and the risk of serious injury from yoga is quite low. However, certain types of stroke as well as pain from nerve damage are among the rare possible side effects of practicing yoga.

* Women who are pregnant and people with certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, glaucoma (a condition in which fluid pressure within the eye slowly increases and can damage the eye’s optic nerve), and sciatica (pain, weakness, numbing, or tingling that can extend from the lower back to the calf, foot, or even the toes), should modify or avoid some yoga poses.

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Like Yoga

Yoga is a mind and body practice with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. Like other meditative movement practices used for health purposes, various styles of yoga typically combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. This fact sheet provides basic information about yoga, summarizes scientific research on effectiveness and safety, and suggests sources for additional information.

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Whether it's keeping the weight off or managing cravings, get tips for reaching and keeping your weight loss goals.
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Discover the top 10 habits that can help you stay on a diet and lose pounds fast.

Weight Loss Surgery
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Thinking about weight loss surgery? Learn what steps you must take before this surgery can be a reality.
Weight Loss Surgery Slideshow

See pictures of what happens during weight loss surgery and what results to expect.

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Weight Loss Basics

Deciding to Lose Weight
How Much Should I Weigh?

Struggling with extra weight and feeling frustrated? Learn about the many health benefits from losing just 10% of your body weight.

Is Your Weight Loss Goal Realistic?

Learn why losing weight slowly is best for long-term results. Discover how to adopt new behaviors, like eating less and exercising more, to boost weight loss.

How to Lose Weight Fast 

If you want to be the next “biggest loser” -- and do it fast -- you have to read these rapid weight loss safety tips.

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Free Popular Diet Plans || Free Online Yoga Guide

Heard about the newest diet trends? We've got reviews of all the popular diet plans to help you decide what's right for you.

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Learn what to look for when selecting a weight loss program. Discover how to stick with the program once you get going.

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Diet Pills

Learn all about prescription diet pills. Find out if weight loss drugs may help you and learn about serious problems that can arise.
Herbal Weight Loss Supplements

Because of the uncertainty of the ingredients in weight loss supplements, the FDA strongly recommends that you talk to your health care provider before trying them.

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Yoga for Weight Loss?

It can help you find your bliss, and some say yoga may also help you shed those extra pounds.

Jennifer Aniston does it. Reports are that Liv Tyler, Halle Berry, Madonna, David Duchovny and supermodel Christy Turlington do it, too. Many professional athletes are said to be doing it in an effort to improve their games.

The "it" is yoga, a sophisticated mind-body exercise many believe can do everything from tighten your buns to change your outlook on life.

But can this no-strain, work-at-your-own-level exercise really help you lose weight?

It's true most types of yoga don't have anything near the calorie-burning power of aerobic exercise. A 150-pound person will burn 150 calories in an hour of doing regular yoga, compared to 311 calories for an hour of walking at 3 mph. But it is exercise, after all, and many practitioners believe yoga can indeed help people take off extra pounds.

"Yoga is a phenomenal way to put you in touch with your body the way nothing else can, and yes, it can help you lose weight," says instructor Dana Edison, director of Radius Yoga in North Redding, Mass., and a certified personal trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine.

Celebrity yoga trainers Ana Brett and Ravi Singh, who have worked with such hotties as Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, also believe in yoga's weight-loss powers.

"We have seen it in ourselves, we have seen it in our clients – yoga can give you a real workout even if you are a beginner," says Brett, who, with Singh, created the best-selling DVD program Fat Free Yoga.
How Does It Work?

In 2005, medical researcher and practicing yogi Alan Kristal, DPH, MPH, set out to do a medical study on the weight-loss effects of yoga.

With funding from the National Cancer Institute, Kristal and colleagues at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle led a trial involving 15,500 healthy, middle-aged men and women. All completed a survey recalling their physical activity (including yoga) and their weight between the ages of 45 and 55. Researchers then analyzed the data, teasing out other factors that could influence weight change – such as diet or other forms of exercise.

The end result: They found yoga could indeed help people shed pounds, or at least keep them from gaining weight.

"Those practicing yoga who were overweight to start with lost about 5 pounds during the same time period those not practicing yoga gained 14 pounds," says Kristal.

For the study, he says, practicing yoga was defined as at least one 30-minute session per week for four or more years.

Kristal says it's not clear just how yoga might help people keep off the pounds, at least from a scientific standpoint. His own opinion is that the effects are subtle, and related to yoga's mind-body aspects.

"The buzzword here is mindfulness -- the ability to observe what is happening internally in a non-reactive fashion," he says. "That is what helps change the relationship of mind to body, and eventually to food and eating."

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Thursday 18 April 2013

Yoga Moves And Poses For The Seasoned Yoga Pro | Healthy Yoga Solution

Yoga involves a combination of physical, mental, and emotional training to help you lead a more healthy life. Many of the poses used in yoga today are variations of some of the yoga moves that are over thousands of years old. For those that have been practicing yoga moves for years, here are ten of the most difficult yoga poses.

The Bridge Yoga Pose

The bridge pose is used when you are coming out of the shoulder stand. You must have a flexible back to complete it safely. This is one of a set of yoga moves that if you do not have the proper spinal flexibility, it can also be achieved if you are willing to practice.

The Plough Yoga Pose

In order to do these types of yoga moves correctly, you need to use the muscle tone and flexibility that you developed learning other poses, like the shoulder stand. If you practice, you will be able to go in and out of this pose easily.

The Forward Bend Yoga Pose

Flexibility is required for this pose and you may find it very difficult, if not impossible to reach your toes. Your goal is to be able to hold your toes in your hands. The more often you attempt these types of yoga moves, the more you will see an increase in your flexibility.

The Fish Yoga Pose

This is one of the yoga moves that will require you to use patience to complete it correctly. You must use care not to strain your neck or back. It can also take months to perfect this pose.

The Cobra Yoga Pose

This is definitely one of the more difficult yoga moves, but is often the recommended pose for relieving constipation, pain, and also for help to relieve some menstrual irregularities.

The Locust Yoga Pose

The difficulty in this pose is not the ability to do the pose, but to hold it for an extended period of time. It is best to try to hold this pose for a minute or longer, but it can be very difficult if your back is not strong enough.

The Bow Yoga Pose

This is one of the yoga moves most people think of when they are referring to a "yoga pretzel." It is very difficult to get into and even more difficult to hold.

The Half Spinal Twist Yoga Pose

This pose will stretch almost every muscle in your body. It is difficult to get into and difficult to hold. However, this pose is one of the best for helping to remove muscular aches and pains, if it is performed correctly.

The Crow Yoga Pose

This is a pose that resembles what some people would do to attempt a handstand. However, you do not put your feet up and your head is lifted and facing forward. It is in a set of yoga moves that is almost exclusively used for very advanced students.

The Hands to Feet Yoga Pose

This pose requires very flexible back and limber legs. You will be touching your head to your shin when you have mastered one of these difficult yoga moves.

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Yoga Basics for Beginners - Healthy Yoga Solution

If you are planning on starting a new basic yoga or yoga for beginner's class, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. In fact tere are six basic yoga things to remember when choosing a yoga for beginners class.

First of all make sure you are healthy enough for a basic yoga class. While a yoga for beginners class is usually not very difficult, you may want to speak to your doctor first if you have major health problems. In some cases, a doctor may even recommend a basic yoga class to help with healing of an injury. In a yoga for beginners class, you will learn many basic yoga breathing exercises, which can be very beneficial for healing.

You will next need to understand that a basic yoga class is a place for individual growth. Do not become discouraged if it seems that the other members of your yoga for beginners class are way ahead. Each person should develop at their own pace and comfort.

When choosing a yoga for beginners class consider that half of the yoga process is physical and half is mental. You must be willing to put forth the effort for basic yoga mental exercises. These techniques may include inner reflection or exercises to eliminate tension and stress.

You will want to choose the basic yoga type that best fits your expectations. Some yoga for beginners classes focus on breathing techniques, some on physical activity and others even use laughing as a method for growth. Not everyone will be comfortable in each class type. Make sure you investigate the studio and class to make sure you will not feel uncomfortable. Many studios will even allow you to try just one yoga for beginners session to ensure a good fit.

Basic yoga requires a commitment just like any other exercise regimen. Just because a yoga for beginners class may seem easy, you still need to attend regularly to get the full results. Most instructors recommend that you attend at least three times a week. Most basic yoga lessons build upon one another as well. You may learn a technique one session that is critical to perform in the next class. While it is completely up to you how often you attend, you will feel better and advance quicker if you attend regularly.

The most important thing to consider in a basic yoga class is to have fun. Every person in a yoga for beginners class will mess up at some point. Do not feel guilty or ashamed if you make a not so graceful move. Yoga is meant to be an avenue to clear the mind and enjoy being inside your own skin. If you spend the whole class stressing over not making mistakes, this goals may be hard to reach. Just relax have fun and don't worry everyone is going to make mistakes or have difficulties along the way. The point of yoga is learning how to deal with those hurdles.

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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Bikram Choudhary | Top 5 Indian yoga gurus

Bikram Choudhary (65) promotes The 26 postures sequence developed from Hatha yoga in a 105 degree environment is known as Bikram Yoga. These 26 postures have a great and positive effect on all the parts of the body. Even the internal organs, the viens, the ligaments and all the muscles everything they require to sustain finest health and utmost purpose.

Each element takes care of different parts of the body, and yet they all work together synergistically, causative to the success of every enhancement and extending its benefits.

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Bharat Thakur | Top 5 Indian yoga gurus

He is specialized in artistic yoga and vision is to spread health and happiness. His Yoga teaches not only as a practice and a theory but as a living and breathing science. It is faster and fun to perform. The Asana, Pranayama, Bandha, Kriya, Shatkarma, Mudra & Meditation are mainly focused on. 

This yoga is called a transformation of a man physically and mentally which is otherwise known as fitness and peace of mind as these yoga techniques is taught keeping career and professional growth of the person in mind.

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Suneel Singh | Top 5 Indian yoga gurus

The new age yoga guru Suneel Singh is a perfect example for modernity and tradition. His styles of asana are mind blowing. The flexibility he portrays is very inspiring. He is one of the first yoga gurus in India, who cures his patients by using simple tools like Zodiac Sign, Hasya Yoga And Yoga-Chi in order to treat them in a holistic way, like for instance yoga-chi which is a new thought pattern very similar to Dhyan. 

He conducts workshops for corporate houses and modeling institutes to generate peace of mind in them. He has got a wide reach through television, news papers and magazines people are able to avail the benefits of yoga being at home.

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Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev | Top 5 Indian yoga gurus

Swami Ramdev (46) has been preaching yoga to every household through broadcast and his magazines. He brought yoga to light between the common men and women. His technique of yoga especially the one he does with stomach has inspired many to practice it. He has got unbelievable flexibility and has got solutions to everyone's weight problems. 

The Patanjali Yogpeeth is not only famous in India but all over the world and he has got numerous followers. The six packs and zero size saga have been increasingly famous among the common people is because of Baba Ramdev. He also teaches that yoga cures all minor and major diseases.

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Yoga Guru B.K.S Iyengar | Top 5 Indian yoga gurus

The Yoga Guru B.K.S Iyengar

Bangalore: Yoga has become a part of life for everyone in the world. Yoga gives "peace of mind." These Yogasana also cure diseases and brings body fitness. They are harmful if not done properly. The yoga teacher's guidance is very essential as there are procedures to do. 

The Vedic sciences are complicated but if the whole 100 percent is given it can create wonders. The spiritualism and to bring the divine power in a person is possible only through Yoga.
The best yoga gurus can bring out the best of everyone. They are experts who can suggest the right path of yogic world as it is very vast. 

The Yoga Guru B.K.S Iyengar (92) treats his teachings of yoga as Chitta. Chitta is the consciousness which embraces the mind, the intellect and the ego. The method of the silencing the quivering of chitta is his teachings. In his holy and thoughtful practices has expertise him about the techniques which can be exercised by all the yoga practioners. His yoga is meant for all and is a way of life. The use of sustaining, proposed by Guruji, such as eco friendly gadgets, belts, ropes which helps in the perfection of Yogasana. The regular practice will amalgamate the body, mind and emotions.

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Best List Top 5 Indian Yoga Gurus

Best List Top 5 Indian Yoga Gurus

Yoga Guru B.K.S Iyengar
Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev
Yoga Guru Suneel Singh
Yoga Guru Bharat Thakur
Yoga Guru Bikram Choudhary

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Monday 15 April 2013

Yogarṣi Swami Ramdevji

Yogarṣi Swami Ramdevji was born to Smt. Gulab Devi and Shri Ram Niwas in a village of Haryana. He had his early education in a village school. At the age of 14 he was admitted to the Gurukul at Kalwa (near Jind, Haryana) where under the blessed tutelage of Ācārya Shri Baldevji he studied Sanskrit and Yoga, and earned a postgraduate (Ācārya) degree with specialization in Sanskrit Vyākaraṇa, Yoga, Darśana, Vedas and Upaniṣads, later he was very much inspired by the life and writings of Maharṣi Dayanand and he thoroughly studied Satyārtha Prakāśa, Ṛgvedādibhāṣyabhūmikā etc. Along-side the magnetism of Maharṣi. Patañjali as an exponent of Yoga, Sanskrit Grammar and Āyurveda continued to exert its influence on him.

Quite early in his life he had his goals cut out for him, so he chose the path of celibacy and asceticism. After doing a stint of teaching Yoga, Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī and Patañjali’s Mahabhāṣya at Gurukuls, he set out on his journey to the Gangotri caves of lofty Himalayas, away from the distractions of mundane activities. Through deep meditation and ascetic discipline and penance he was able to develop a clear vision of the work to be done by him:
1. Propagation of yoga and Āyurveda, and
2. reforming the social, political and economic system of India.
And then luckily he met with Ācārya Balkrishna, a kindred soul and a schoolmate, who was out there on a similar quest. They came together to launch upon this stupendous task from scratch.

Swamiji took upon himself the onerous responsibility of demystifying and popularizing Patañjali’s Yoga, while Ācāryaji devoted himself to the task of restoring people’s faith in the efficacy of āyurvedic system of medicine. Swamiji’s main focus is on making the people of India as well as of the whole world adopts yoga and Āyurveda as their lifestyle. His approach to treating ailments and disorders in pragmatic, undogmatic and non-sectarian. All persons whether Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian, have the same anatomy and physiology. Therefore they can all benefit from yoga and auyrvedic therapy. He has explained in detail the benefits accruing from yoga in his two popular hindi books on the subject:

1. Yoga Sādhanā evam Yoga Chikitsā Rahasya, 2. Prāṇāyāma Rahasya.

In his yoga camps, attended by thousands of participants from all parts of the country, he emphasizes on doing eight Prāṇāyāmas (1.bhastrikā 2. kapālabhāti, 3. bāhya/ agnisāra, 4. ujjāyī, 5. anulomaviloma, 6. bhrāmarī, 7. udgītha, 8. praṇava), some sūkṣma (light) vyāyāmas; and some specific āsanas for various ailments, as also some simple home remedies and āyurvedic medicines. Within a short span of time the results of yoga and āuyrvedic therapy have not only been encouraging but also astounding. People have taken to yoga in a big way; they are doing it under the guidance of yoga teachers trained and certified by Swamiji’s Patañjali Yogpeeth, and watching and following it on various Indian TV channels, like AASTHA, ZEETV, STAR, SAHARA etc. People are learning yoga from the CDs, DVDs, audio-video cassettes prepared by the yogpeeth, Swamiji has tried to explain the Yogasūtras of Patañjali in simple Hindi in his book Yogadarśana.

With a view to giving concrete shape to his dreams Swamiji, first of all, founded Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) in 1995 at Kankhal, Hardwar, Uttarakhand, India, which was followed by Meditation Centre at Gangotri in the Himalayas, Brahmakalpa Chikitsalaya, Divy Pharmacy, Divya Prakashan, Divya Yog Sadhana, Patañjali Yogpeeth (Trust) in Delhi in 2005, Patañjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar, Mahashaya Hiralal Arsh Gurukul, Kishangarh Ghaseda, Mahendragarh, Haryana, Yog Gram and recently Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) in Delhi.

While yoga will take care of physical, mental and spiritual health, the downslide, in social, political and economic system of the country will be salvaged only through the patriotic zeal, fearlessness and strong character, of which he himself is a living example. Recently he has launched Bharat Swabhiman Movement which encompasses all the ground realities of the Indian social, political and economic scene. He has given a clarion call to the people to come forward and save the country and the democracy. He wants to see an addiction-free, vegetarian, corruption-free India, proud of its swadeshi products. His mind may be soaring in the ethereal spheres of spiritualism, but his feet are firmly planted on earth where he is very much alive to the mundane concerns such as treatment/ enrichment of soil, cow breeding/cow protection, cleaning the Ganga etc.

Friday 12 April 2013

Self Realisation | Free Online Yoga Guide Video

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Yoga for Active Meditation English Video | Video Online Yoga Guide

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Free Yoga Pranayam Training | Free Online Yoga Guide Video in English

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Asanas (English) : Free Online Yoga Guide Vedio

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Swami Muktanand ji : Pillars of Divya Yog Mandir & Patanjali Yogpeeth

Swami Muktanand ji born in July 1956, in West-Bengal, Swami Muktananda is the Treasurer and Founder Trustee of Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust). He is fully associated with all the activities of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust). He is a scholar of Sanskrit with attainment of higher proficiency in the subject. He is a post-graduate of Sanskrit and a graduate of science with Mathematics. He got his Sanskrit education in the prestigious Sanskrit Gurukul Kalva (Haryana) under the able guidance of well known guru (personality) in the field of Sanskrit, Acharya Baldev.

He had been teaching graduate and post-graduate classes of Sanskrit for more than seven years. He is well versed with the working of educational institutions. Presently he daily teaches Vedas other Sanskrit scriptures and Grammer to samnyasis and other scholars. He is keenly interested in spiritualism. He is an old and close associate of Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj. He is a nestik Brahamchari (samnyasis).

He has very deep knowledge of herbs. Many times, he visits hilly tracks of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh for identification of herbs. He took part in investigation and research for identification of Asthavarg for years.

Swami Muktanand ji is actively participating in the production of medicines in Divya Pharmacy- a unit of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust). He has specialization in preparation of Chyavan Prash and Amrit Rasayan. He has more than fifteen years experience in preparation of medicines and identification of herbs.

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Acarya Balkrishna

Acarya Balkrishna a great scholar of Āyurveda, sanskrit language and grammar, and the Vedas, was born to Smt. Sumitra Devi and Shri Jay Vallabh.

A simple and unassuming versatile genius, he is the chief architect of the visionary planning of Swami Ramdev. Equally well versed in Yoga and Āyurveda, he is an able and sincere collaborator in all the projects and ventures launched by Swami Ramdevji, ever since their chance meeting in the Gangotri caves.

Balkrishnaji studied Sāṅkhya yoga, Āyurveda, Sanskrit language, Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī, Vedas, Upaniṣads and Indian philosophy under the guidance of Ācārya Shri Baldevji in the Gurukul at Kalwa (near Jind, Haryana) and obtained his postgraduate (Ācārya) degree from, Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi.

During his journey and austere penance in the Himalayas he was able to explore four rare and extinct aṣṭavarga plants used as ingredients in the preparation of cyavanaprāśa, an āyurvedic tonic. He is also credited with discovering the sañjīvanī būtī of legendary fame. As the head of all the medical institutions and chikitsalayas (Hospitals and clinics) functioning under the aegis of Patañjali Yogpeeth he is mainly focused on the research and development of Āyurveda to make it complete successfully with the modern medical science. He has been able to cure lacs of patients at his Brahmakalpa Chikitsalaya of a number of stubborn, chronic and incurable diseases like diabetes, rheumatism, osteo-arthritis, gout (rheumatism and arthritis), migraine, cervical spondylitis, respiratory disorders, asthma, cancer, nervous disorder, heart disease, brain diseases, etc. Yoga and Āyurveda have combined wonderfully in the treatment of these diseases at a very nominal/ affordable price.These successful treatments have been documented by Ācāryaji in his renowned book: Yoga In Synergy With Medicial Science. Another very popular book written by him is Aushadh Darshan, a handy pharmacopeia of ayurvedic and home remedies.

At the Department of Medical Science In Yoga & Āyurveda at Patañjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar, he has got a team of 70 physicians to assist him. Besides, more than a thousand vaidyas (āyurvedic physicians) in India and abroad are treating patients under his guidance. With a view to ensuring the efficacy of āyurvedic treatment it was necessary to make pure and high quality medicines available to patients at an affordable price.

Ācāryaji took up the challenge and founded Divya Pharmacy where Āyurvedic medicines with national and international certifications are manufactured with modern packaging. To ensure that only genuine ingredients are used in the Divya Pharmacy medicines, Patañjali Herbal Park grows 450 medicinal plants (some of them very rare) under the overall supervision of Ācāryaji. As a part of swamiji’s Bharat Svabhiman Movement’s emphasis on using swadeshi goods, things of daily use like tooth powder, tooth paste, hair oil, soap, shampoo, beauty creams etc. are produced in Divya Pharmacy & Patañjali Ayurved Ltd. with Āyurvedic ingredients and Āyurvedic formulas.

Another aspect of his multi-faceted genius and personality is his knowledge and experience in the managerial, administrative and engineering fields, which has been admired by one and all in India and abroad. The awesomely impressive look and layout of Patañjali Yogpeeth buildings is a living testimony to his grand futuristic concepts.

His editorial skills can be seen in Yog Sandesh where as Chief Editor he is propagating yoga and āyurveda for the mental, physical and spiritual health of people. All his activities are inspired by this dictum of Bhagavad Gītā:

"kāmaye duḥkhataptānāṁ prāṇināmārtināśanam".

Besides, he has edited/ collaborated/ authored books like Āyurved : Its Principles & Philosophies, Secrets Of Indian Herbs, Vitality Strengthening Astavarga Plants, Vaidika Nityakarma Vidhi, Yogadars´ana, Sant Darshan and Bhakti Gitanjali.

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Swami Ramdevji

Yogarṣi Swami Ramdevji was born to Smt. Gulab Devi and Shri Ram Niwas in a village of Haryana. He had his early education in a village school. At the age of 14 he was admitted to the Gurukul at Kalwa (near Jind, Haryana) where under the blessed tutelage of Ācārya Shri Baldevji he studied Sanskrit and Yoga, and earned a postgraduate (Ācārya) degree with specialization in Sanskrit Vyākaraṇa, Yoga, Darśana, Vedas and Upaniṣads, later he was very much inspired by the life and writings of Maharṣi Dayanand and he thoroughly studied Satyārtha Prakāśa, Ṛgvedādibhāṣyabhūmikā etc. Along-side the magnetism of Maharṣi. Patañjali as an exponent of Yoga, Sanskrit Grammar and Āyurveda continued to exert its influence on him.

Quite early in his life he had his goals cut out for him, so he chose the path of celibacy and asceticism. After doing a stint of teaching Yoga, Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī and Patañjali’s Mahabhāṣya at Gurukuls, he set out on his journey to the Gangotri caves of lofty Himalayas, away from the distractions of mundane activities. Through deep meditation and ascetic discipline and penance he was able to develop a clear vision of the work to be done by him:
1. Propagation of yoga and Āyurveda, and
2. reforming the social, political and economic system of India.
And then luckily he met with Ācārya Balkrishna, a kindred soul and a schoolmate, who was out there on a similar quest. They came together to launch upon this stupendous task from scratch.

Swamiji took upon himself the onerous responsibility of demystifying and popularizing Patañjali’s Yoga, while Ācāryaji devoted himself to the task of restoring people’s faith in the efficacy of āyurvedic system of medicine. Swamiji’s main focus is on making the people of India as well as of the whole world adopts yoga and Āyurveda as their lifestyle. His approach to treating ailments and disorders in pragmatic, undogmatic and non-sectarian. All persons whether Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian, have the same anatomy and physiology. Therefore they can all benefit from yoga and auyrvedic therapy. He has explained in detail the benefits accruing from yoga in his two popular hindi books on the subject:

1. Yoga Sādhanā evam Yoga Chikitsā Rahasya, 2. Prāṇāyāma Rahasya.

In his yoga camps, attended by thousands of participants from all parts of the country, he emphasizes on doing eight Prāṇāyāmas (1.bhastrikā 2. kapālabhāti, 3. bāhya/ agnisāra, 4. ujjāyī, 5. anulomaviloma, 6. bhrāmarī, 7. udgītha, 8. praṇava), some sūkṣma (light) vyāyāmas; and some specific āsanas for various ailments, as also some simple home remedies and āyurvedic medicines. Within a short span of time the results of yoga and āuyrvedic therapy have not only been encouraging but also astounding. People have taken to yoga in a big way; they are doing it under the guidance of yoga teachers trained and certified by Swamiji’s Patañjali Yogpeeth, and watching and following it on various Indian TV channels, like AASTHA, ZEETV, STAR, SAHARA etc. People are learning yoga from the CDs, DVDs, audio-video cassettes prepared by the yogpeeth, Swamiji has tried to explain the Yogasūtras of Patañjali in simple Hindi in his book Yogadarśana.

With a view to giving concrete shape to his dreams Swamiji, first of all, founded Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) in 1995 at Kankhal, Hardwar, Uttarakhand, India, which was followed by Meditation Centre at Gangotri in the Himalayas, Brahmakalpa Chikitsalaya, Divy Pharmacy, Divya Prakashan, Divya Yog Sadhana, Patañjali Yogpeeth (Trust) in Delhi in 2005, Patañjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar, Mahashaya Hiralal Arsh Gurukul, Kishangarh Ghaseda, Mahendragarh, Haryana, Yog Gram and recently Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) in Delhi.

While yoga will take care of physical, mental and spiritual health, the downslide, in social, political and economic system of the country will be salvaged only through the patriotic zeal, fearlessness and strong character, of which he himself is a living example. Recently he has launched Bharat Swabhiman Movement which encompasses all the ground realities of the Indian social, political and economic scene. He has given a clarion call to the people to come forward and save the country and the democracy. He wants to see an addiction-free, vegetarian, corruption-free India, proud of its swadeshi products. His mind may be soaring in the ethereal spheres of spiritualism, but his feet are firmly planted on earth where he is very much alive to the mundane concerns such as treatment/ enrichment of soil, cow breeding/cow protection, cleaning the Ganga etc.

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Swami Shankar Dev ji Pillars of Divya Yog Mandir and Patanjali Yogpeeth

Swami Shankar Dev is Patron and Founder Trustee of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) and Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust).

Born in 1930 in Almora district of Uttarakhand, he was very much keen to become a samnyasi from the very beginning of his life. He always participate in Satsanga of Sadhus and samnyasis. At the age of 15 years, in 1945, he abandoned/renounced his home with a group of samnyasis and travelled with them to various tirthas and reached Hardwar. He come in contract of great Saint Swami Kripalu Dev Ji Mahajraj in Hardwar. He is a direct disciple of Swami Kripalu Dev Ji Maharaj. He took sanyas diksha from Swami Inder Dev on Ganga Dashera 1958.

Since February 1968, he is living in Vishva Gyan Mandir [Known as Kripalu Bag Ashram : Registered Office of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)]. This is a very sacred place as it is Taposthali of Swami Kripalu Dev ji Maharaj- his guru and an active worker of freedom struggle of India.

Swami Shankar Dev is a spiritual personality. He is guru of world known Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj. Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj took sanyas diksha from Swami ji in 1995.

He actively participates in all the activities of Ashram and Trust also.

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History Divya Yoga Mandir (Trust), Patanjali Yogpeeth

The Kripalu Bagh Ashram on the blessed land next to the holy Ganges, was built in 1932 by the scholarly erudite and God realized Param Pujya Swami Kripalu Dev Ji Maharaj.
Concomitant with this noble struggle, Swami Kripalu Dev Ji along with another great spiritualist Swami
Shraddhanand, who was the founder of the pure and chaste Hindus traditions of the “GURUKUL KANGRI”, organized a movement of rejuvenation of pristine Indian ancient traditions and renaissance of its glorious and hoary past whereby the country, its religion and all related aspects, covered by the gathering dust of centuries neglect, were rediscovered and extolled. It was the place where the great patriots like Sh. Rash Bihari Bose had taken shelter during their operations for freedom movements.
Saint Shri Kripalu Dev Ji Maharaj was succeeded by his illustrious disciple Pujya Swami Shri Shankar Dev Ji Maharaj, well conversant with Vedic knowledge and an ardent advocate of noble human values. Swami ji founded the Trust in 1995 along with his group of disciples; yet another Philanthropist Pujya Swami Ram Dev Ji Maharaj who has dedicated his presence to augment the haloed traditions of the trust based on selfless service and dedicated quest for excellence in education, vedic learning and promotion of nationalism; he is joined by an energetic soul with an intense spirit of service, Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj, also a great spiritualist & great scholar of Ayurveda and an established name in Vedic philosophy Swami Muktanand ji Maharaj Science Graduate, Vyakaranacharya along with other disciples continue to exalt the traditions and enrich the future with what the trust had enshrined and achieved in its glorious preceding years.
New Building of Kripalu Bagh Ashram

Free online yoga class, online meditation class in India

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Wednesday 10 April 2013

What is the ideal time for yoga

Q) What is the ideal time for yoga? 

A) Ideal time for yoga is one to two hours before sunrise. You may carry out yoga in the evening provided you have not eaten anything for last 3 to 4 hours. It is best to do yoga empty stomach, but you can have lime juice or tea 30 minutes prior to yoga practice.

Why moderation is recommended in yoga

Q) Why moderation is recommended in yoga?

A) In yoga practice, ultimate aim is to rein in the wandering mind. You have to look for happiness inwards. Therefore, it is recommended not to be a slave of habits. Do not go overboard for anything, practice moderation in talking, sleeping, eating or sex.

Do I have to stop taking alcoholic drinks/ non veg for doing yoga

Q) Do I have to stop taking alcoholic drinks/ non veg for doing yoga? 
A) As per yoga philosophy, alcoholic drinks/ non veg are to be avoided. But as a beginner you can have it in moderation. Excess of drinks or non veg diet may not give you appreciable benefits from yoga practice. If you become regular in yoga practice for some time, you may not need either of them.

Will I have to become a Hindu to do yoga

Will I have to become a Hindu to do yoga?
Though yoga and hinduism are closely linked, any person need not become a Hindu to do yoga. Yoga is a philosophy which primarily aids the spiritual progress of a person. Yoga does not involve idol worship, special deity or specific rituals to follow. God has given all of us the same body and yoga is beneficial to all mankind irrespective of country, race or sex.

Can I start yoga practice by online instructions or reading books | Yoga FAQs For Beginners

Q) Can I start yoga practice by online instructions or reading books? 
A) Yes you can start with pranayama and easy yoga poses. When you start doing yoga you can seek help to select your yoga sequence in accordance with your age, physical condition and medical history. Start with asanas which you feel are comfortable for you.

Can I do yoga only if I am completely fit | Yoga FAQs For Beginners

Q) Can I do yoga only if I am completely fit?
A) A young person with no known medical history can take up any yoga pose or asana. But if you are having a medical problem, consult your doctor/ yoga instructor for the yoga asanas appropriate to your health. Yoga exercises for relaxation and pranayama like shava asana, bal asana, yoga nidra, rhythmic breathing and alom vilom can be generally done by all irrespective of age and health (if you cannot sit, you can do all the above mentioned asanas lying down).

Tuesday 9 April 2013

What is the age limit for doing yoga | Yoga FAQs For Beginners

Q) What is the age limit for doing yoga? 
A) There is no upper age limit for yoga practice. You can start even at 30 or 60 years of age and can continue up to 100 years or more. Children can start yoga from 12 years of age.

Clearing Bowels Before Pranayama | Free Online Yoga Guide

Q)  I am unable to clear my bowels before starting pranayama in the morning. It seems there is a problem regarding digestion. What I have to do? Can I practice Pranayama even my bowels are not cleared? Please advise me.


1. It depends on the constipation. If you are able to clear your bowels once in 24 hours, it is considered normal. It is preferable to clear your bowels in the morning before yoga asanas/ pranayama. If it is not possible, you can carry on with pranayama.

2. Preferably with regular practice your digestion and constipation will improve.

3. You can take 2-3 Tripahala tablets with warm water or milk before sleeping. Eat 2-3 pieces of 'BEL Murabba' on empty stomach once after doing yoga in the morning and once in the evening. I hope this will help to get cure from constipation.

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Living Proof of Benefits Of Yoga | Free Online Yoga Guide

By Claire Hegarty B

I had dabbled with yoga many moons before but it just didn't have the same impact on me. The teacher had a lot to do with it and the old saying that 'when the student is ready, the teacher will appear' really rang true here.

I had decided that since I was in my forties, with a three-year-old son to run after, and newly acquired back problems that I needed to do something. I knew that the stretching would help my back and the breathing would help my stress. I also knew that yoga could help with the spiritual questions that inevitably become stronger in midlife. However, I was worried about finding the right class. Then, in a moment of synchronicity, my friend mentioned to me a beginners hatha yoga class that she attended whenever she could. I went along with her and was immediately hooked!

As I mentioned before, the teacher had a lot to do with getting my interest. She is an inspirational woman in her seventies who simply oozes with compassion and serenity. I could not believe and still cannot, that she could possibly be in her seventies, as she looks ten years younger than that. Her mother is still alive and is ninety-nine! She told me that she only started yoga when she was forty-three and when I asked if her body had ever been as inflexible as mine, she said it had been worse! That statement certainly gave me hope, since there I was beginning yoga at the age of forty-four.

Believe it or not, I had such bad sciatica that I did my first few classes on a chair. Students thirty years older than me were not in that position and there was even an eighty one year old man in the class. But I didn't feel embarrassed; such was the atmosphere there. The teacher showed me some remedial yoga exercises that would help with my pain. We also learned some breathing and meditative techniques to help with any anxiety arising from that pain.

Now two years later, much of my back pain has simply gone. It twinges every now and then but nothing like the excruciating regular bouts I had before, when I couldn't even put my foot to the ground without crying.

I have also lost around 14 lbs weight just practicing a little yoga every other day and incorporating poses into everyday life. I find that because yoga also works on the internal organs and the teacher explains about the anatomy and physiology of the body and how the Asanas (postures/poses) work that I am less inclined to binge on junk foods. I still do that now and again but it tends to be on healthier foods. Where I would have scoffed whole packets of biscuits before, I now might have a tray of flavoured frozen ice cubes! A lot less calories and hydration into the bargain. The yoga poses have made me think more about the work my body has to do internally to digest the types of food that I consume.

I know that I am different since I became a newbie Yogini. My husband is impressed with my sticking at something at last. My mother says I don't lose my patience as easily and my low moods have improved and my five year old son is thrilled that I can actually bend down to him again.

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Thumb Rule for Eating | Yoga Question And Answer

Eat every bite of food chewing and mixing with saliva deliberately for more time. Importantly stop eating when when you get your first blurp. That avoids over eating and even the tastiest of any food cannot be consumed more if you eat like this. Eat again when you feel hungry. Eventually you will follow a pattern. Don't drink water 30 minutes before and after eating. Else you risk dilution of digestive juices in stomach.
This technique is very simple. You will start seeing improvements in 48 to 72 hours.
Have more to share. Reply back if you have questions.

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Pregnancy and Kapalabhati Pranayama | Yoga Question And Answer

Q) We are trying to have a baby. If a lady has ovulated 3-4 days back and not sure about the pregnancy. My question is, is it safe to do kapalabhati pranayama at this stage?

A) You have not mentioned whether you are already doing yoga or thinking of starting yoga.

Your first aim should be to achieve physical fitness by doing yoga asanas and then do pranayama. Doing more of pranayama without clearing the energy channels with yoga asanas can be harmful. There is no harm in doing kapalabhati if you are in regular practice and already doing it.

If you have not done yoga before, I will say you focus more on rhythmic deep breathing and alom vilom pranayama.

Your yoga practice must aim to exercise the muscles of abdomen, spine, back and pelvic area as a preparation for pregnancy. Gradually build up a sound yoga practice which includes asanas and pranayama. Then you can do kapalabhati as much as you feel comfortable. But do not depend on kapalabhati alone.

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Thursday 4 April 2013

Happy Face Yoga Exercises

Happy Face yoga exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles in the face. Learn about Happy Face yoga exercises with help from a yoga expert in this free video clip.

Read more: Video Happy Face Yoga Exercises |

Indigestion After Yoga || India Online Yoga Guide

Indigestion after yoga is caused by bubbles and gasses that build up in your system during certain poses. Find out about indigestion before and after yoga with help from a yoga expert in this free video clip.

Read more: Video: Indigestion After Yoga |

Meditation Therapy for Anxiety Disorders | Indian Online Yoga Guide

Meditation therapy can be used to help combat the physical stresses associated with various anxiety disorders. Find out about meditation therapy for anxiety disorders with help from a yoga expert in this free video clip.

Read more: Video Meditation Therapy for Anxiety Disorders |

Yoga Asanas & Poses | India Online Yoga Guide

Asanas and poses are two very important elements to yoga. Learn a few basic asanas and poses with help from a yoga expert in this free video clip.

Read more: Video Yoga Asanas & Poses |

Yoga Therapist Training | Free Online Yoga Guide at work

If you want to become a yoga therapist there are a few very specific areas you should experience. Find out about yoga therapist training with help from a yoga expert in this free video clip.

Read more: Video: Yoga Therapist Training |

The Traditional Sequence of Indian Hatha Yoga | India Yoga Guide

Indian hatha yoga is a very specific, traditional sequence associated with the sun salutation. Educate yourself about the traditional sequence of Indian hatha yoga with help from a yoga expert in this free video clip.

Read more: Video Traditional Sequence of Indian Hatha Yoga |