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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Yoga Styles or Yoga Paths or Types of Yoga

The basis of ashtanga yoga is the  Yoga sutras (Sanskrit Verses) of Patanjali.

1.  Yama (Principles)
2.  Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
3.  Asana (Yoga Positions or Yogic Postures)
4.  Pranayama (Yogic Breathing)
5.  Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses)
6.  Dharana (Concentration on Object)
7.  Dhyan (Meditation)
8.  Samadhi (Salvation

Is it necessary for the user to be religious/God fearing to practice Yoga || Yoga Questions Answer

Is it necessary for the user to be religious/God fearing to practice Yoga?

Certainly not .But you should have total faith in what you practice otherwise it will be fruitless .If you want to practice Yoga you must have faith in Yoga.

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When should a patient take Yoga Treatment | Yoga Questions Answer

When should a patient take Yoga Treatment?

When a Patient needs quick relief he takes Allopathic ,Ayurveda or Homeopathy treatment. But when such treatment does not bring in the required effect a patient takes “Yoga Treatment” because these treatments cure without medicine.

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Can you reduce sleep by practicing Yoga | Yoga Questions Answer

Can you reduce sleep by practicing Yoga?

Yes, being Yoga as Relaxation Technique , the practice of it reduces the Body’s consumption in daily routine. The sound sleep obtained through Yoga can give peace of mind.

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