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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Time for Yoga

To find time for Yoga you need a desire. Whatever you do in life requires some degree of devotion, commitment, energy from your side. And life "pays back" to you...

Once you start, commit yourself to a month or two of regular Yoga sessions. And then you will have your own answer, your own motivation. Most of the people feel the difference already after first session or two. 

Priorities. How important Yoga is in your life?

Once you know first hand what Yoga brings to you - setting priorities, finding time for Yoga in particular is be easier. You will know that waking up 5-10 minutes earlier to practice a few rounds of Sun Salutation

is absolutely worth it (see linked article to learn why). You will know that practicing for 30 min in the evening is so much more important than an extra half of an hour before the TV. Etc. 

5 minutes Yoga practice?

If you have only five minutes a day, you can still practice Yoga. I'll add "5 min Yoga" articles soon. One of them is Sun Salutation - it takes 5 min a day and changes your whole day and ultimately - whole your life... Do it like this: if you can not have today an hour for Yoga practice - do it for 30 min; if 30 min is too much for today too - do it for 10-15 min... if you don't have time at all - use a 5 min gap somewhere, sometime today. Keeping your body healthy and energized, your mind clear and concentrated, you heart happy - worth 5 min a day. Everyone can find 5 min a day! 

Excuses and opportunities

This is true for whole your life, not just Yoga. Finding time for essential things in your life, finding time for Yoga is important. If you set your mind to look for opportunities - you will succeed. If instead someone searches for excuses - he/she will find them and will lose chances, loosing one more important thing after another, wasting time for stuff that is not important, wasting life. It sounds harsh, but we either look for opportunities (for Yoga practice in particular) and we progress or we look for excuses... 

Yoga in travel

It's easy to say that because you travel - you will not practice Yoga... In fact, if you google your destination for Yoga - most likely you will find a few Yoga opportunities close to your hotel... 

Sure, you won't have your favorite Yoga teacher or a particular way of doing Yoga asanas in every center. But it is actually a plus to have new experiences from time to time. - It helps you to stay open-minded, helps you to find and combine best of the best techniques for your own practice. 

Yoga at work

In fact, we will discuss possibilities to practice Yoga in your office... even with your costume on... Plus many modern office-buildings nowadays have activities/gym rooms - in the building or very close. So, if lunch breaks is a suitable time for you - use it. I'll even show you what you can do in your office chair... :-) 

Yoga at home

This whole project is here to help you to develop your own Yoga practice, practicing Yoga at home in particular. This is in many ways the most important part of Yoga practice. Having no Yoga center or teacher nearby is not a problem even if you are just starting. It's also the easiest to find time for Yoga at home. - At home you can find 5-10-30 min whenever you wish, no need to prepare, go to a center, etc. - any few minutes gap would do. 

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