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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Beginner Yoga: first steps with yoga video

with beginner Yoga basics:
flexing your spinal column backward and forward with Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar). Have a look a dedicated article with details and videos here: Sun Salutation step-by-step detailed how-to videos and main article here: Sun Salutation.
stretching legs (leg raises with stretching)
strengthening abdomen and lower back - these two groups of muscles are extremely important for your well being. If they are under-developed - sooner or later you will start to have problems, serious problems with your back. Those come slowly, but when such problems appear in your life - they are there for long time. And there is very little fun about back pain and all the related other diseases and pains.
strengthening our legs
stretching sides of our upper body
taking away stiffness from our upper body, shoulders and neck even (stiffness in those places is the way your stressful life-style "accumulates" in your body)
opening our body even more with backward bends
massaging our back
even massaging our internal organs (for better digestion)
strengthening our upper body 

Too much?!

Yes this is a long list of benefits indeed!!! And the beginner yoga sequence I propose in the next yoga video clips is actually simpler than it may sound. 

Beginner Yoga video

- you will find them with detailed comments on benefits, how-to instructions, etc. Listen, try to follow. After a few times you will be quite confident and would be able to follow most or all of the yoga asanas and moves demonstrated.   

Relaxation at the end

- please give yourself a few minutes for final relaxation (not shown in the last part yoga video) - on your back, as shown for example in the first part, after Sun Salutation. See also a dedicated article and video on final relaxation: LINK. 

How do you feel?

After already the first session you will feel a lot. Especially if your body was mostly inactive lately. You will re-learn to feel your body alive, your muscles working, your breath deepening... You may notice even a smile of joy on your face after the practice, after a relaxation at the end. You may feel some muscle soreness in your muscles next day or two. - That is normal (if not too much). - If you were passive with your body for long time. To ease soreness do a few rounds of Sun Salutation in the morning for a few minutes. 

Reference  By:

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