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Wednesday 27 March 2013

15 Signs You're A True Yogi

If you're wondering if you could be a true yogi, here are some things that might tell you that you are...

You pack your mat when you go on vacation.
You've downloaded songs from yoga class.
Your Pandora playlist is mantra music.
Your yoga clothes take up 95% of the laundry.
Your Facebook feed is loaded with messages from your yoga instructors and people from class.
Instead of taking a lunch break, you go to a yoga class.
You read yoga magazines in the checkout line instead of gossip and fashion.
You leave your jewelry on in class.
Your day doesn't feel complete unless you’ve made it to your mat.
You have dreams at night in which you're perfecting poses.
You skip happy hour with your friends to make a yoga class.
You own more than one yoga mat.
You cross your legs at your desk.
It feels weird to wear socks and shoes.
You randomly practice poses throughout the day… at break time, at work, while making dinner, or during commercial breaks.

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