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Wednesday 27 March 2013

15 Signs You're A True Yogi

If you're wondering if you could be a true yogi, here are some things that might tell you that you are...

You pack your mat when you go on vacation.
You've downloaded songs from yoga class.
Your Pandora playlist is mantra music.
Your yoga clothes take up 95% of the laundry.
Your Facebook feed is loaded with messages from your yoga instructors and people from class.
Instead of taking a lunch break, you go to a yoga class.
You read yoga magazines in the checkout line instead of gossip and fashion.
You leave your jewelry on in class.
Your day doesn't feel complete unless you’ve made it to your mat.
You have dreams at night in which you're perfecting poses.
You skip happy hour with your friends to make a yoga class.
You own more than one yoga mat.
You cross your legs at your desk.
It feels weird to wear socks and shoes.
You randomly practice poses throughout the day… at break time, at work, while making dinner, or during commercial breaks.

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Types of Yoga

There are many different types of yoga to practice, so it's important to find out which type of yoga is right for you. Here's a quick introduction to some of the most common and popular types of yoga:

Bikram Yoga - Get ready to practice yoga in 105 degree heat and in 40% humidity -- hot! Though Bikram only has 26 poses and there's lots of alignment work so it might be a good fit for beginners. 

Hatha Yoga -  Class is also likely to be focused on slow and gentle movements so it's a great type of yoga to wind down with at night.

Vinyasa Yoga - Commonly called "Vinyasa flow" or just "flow", you'll definitely be moving, flowing from one pose to the next. Other than starting with a sun salutation, no two classes will be alike. It's the most popular style of yoga in America.

Kundalini Yoga - "Kundalini" refers to the energy of the Root Chakra, which surrounds the area around your lower spine. Expect lots of work in your "core" area and classes are known to be pretty intense.  

Ashtanga Yoga - Commonly called Power yoga, Ashtanga is definitely physically demanding. It's probably best suited for an ex-athlete or someone looking to really push their body.

Iyengar Yoga - Expect lots of props with this type of yoga such as blocks, harnesses, straps, and even cushions. There's also a lot of focus on alignment so Iyengar can be great for physical therapy.

Anusara Yoga - Founded in 1997 by John Friend, Anusara is epitomized by "the celebration of the heart. Expect many "heart-opening" poses like backbends and more talking by the instructor in class. 

Restorative Yoga - Looking to wind down after a long day of work? Or perhaps you want to quiet your mind? Restorative yoga might be the answer as it's focused on relaxation. 

Jivamukti Yoga - Jivamukti is mostly practiced in NYC as it was founded there in 1984 by Sharon Gannon and David Life. It's a mix of vinyasa flow sequencing infused with chanting and a vegetarian twist. 

Prenatal Yoga - If you're an expectant mother then Prenatal yoga is probably for you. (Sorry, guys!) Some say that Prenatal is one of the best types of exercise for moms-to-be as there's a lot of core work and a focus on breathing.

Have you found a type of yoga that might be a fit for you? Before you head to class, check out our Yoga Poses for Beginners library to become familiar with some of the most common poses.

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Time for Yoga

To find time for Yoga you need a desire. Whatever you do in life requires some degree of devotion, commitment, energy from your side. And life "pays back" to you...

Once you start, commit yourself to a month or two of regular Yoga sessions. And then you will have your own answer, your own motivation. Most of the people feel the difference already after first session or two. 

Priorities. How important Yoga is in your life?

Once you know first hand what Yoga brings to you - setting priorities, finding time for Yoga in particular is be easier. You will know that waking up 5-10 minutes earlier to practice a few rounds of Sun Salutation

is absolutely worth it (see linked article to learn why). You will know that practicing for 30 min in the evening is so much more important than an extra half of an hour before the TV. Etc. 

5 minutes Yoga practice?

If you have only five minutes a day, you can still practice Yoga. I'll add "5 min Yoga" articles soon. One of them is Sun Salutation - it takes 5 min a day and changes your whole day and ultimately - whole your life... Do it like this: if you can not have today an hour for Yoga practice - do it for 30 min; if 30 min is too much for today too - do it for 10-15 min... if you don't have time at all - use a 5 min gap somewhere, sometime today. Keeping your body healthy and energized, your mind clear and concentrated, you heart happy - worth 5 min a day. Everyone can find 5 min a day! 

Excuses and opportunities

This is true for whole your life, not just Yoga. Finding time for essential things in your life, finding time for Yoga is important. If you set your mind to look for opportunities - you will succeed. If instead someone searches for excuses - he/she will find them and will lose chances, loosing one more important thing after another, wasting time for stuff that is not important, wasting life. It sounds harsh, but we either look for opportunities (for Yoga practice in particular) and we progress or we look for excuses... 

Yoga in travel

It's easy to say that because you travel - you will not practice Yoga... In fact, if you google your destination for Yoga - most likely you will find a few Yoga opportunities close to your hotel... 

Sure, you won't have your favorite Yoga teacher or a particular way of doing Yoga asanas in every center. But it is actually a plus to have new experiences from time to time. - It helps you to stay open-minded, helps you to find and combine best of the best techniques for your own practice. 

Yoga at work

In fact, we will discuss possibilities to practice Yoga in your office... even with your costume on... Plus many modern office-buildings nowadays have activities/gym rooms - in the building or very close. So, if lunch breaks is a suitable time for you - use it. I'll even show you what you can do in your office chair... :-) 

Yoga at home

This whole project is here to help you to develop your own Yoga practice, practicing Yoga at home in particular. This is in many ways the most important part of Yoga practice. Having no Yoga center or teacher nearby is not a problem even if you are just starting. It's also the easiest to find time for Yoga at home. - At home you can find 5-10-30 min whenever you wish, no need to prepare, go to a center, etc. - any few minutes gap would do. 

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What is Yoga?

You try for yourself and see what works best for you. You will have your own answers on what is Yoga.

Yoga may become for you just a substitute for gym exercises. Or you may discover what is behind Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, all 8 limbs of it (we will discuss details in more specific articles), etc.

8 limbs of Hatha Yoga and more...

Note: practical and efficient here - doesn't mean we will limit ourselves to asanas (poses) practice. There are many more useful, working tools in Yoga: from simple stress relief, proper diet, proper relaxation and breathing, etc. Pranayama, Kundalini rise, Bandhas, Mudras, Mantras, Meditation, and so on. We will cover all these here, in the articles of the project. This way you may learn in details what Yoga is really about, what it can bring to you... and, sure, you can always stay just with wonderful balanced harmonious physical part of Yoga if that is what you [only] feel comfortable with. - This still will give you a long list of benefits. See article on "Benefits of Yoga" for details.

Yoga in Sanskrit

- Yoga means union. Union between what and what? union with what? - You will eventually find your own answers. And just to give you an idea, as some food for thoughts the following is my point of view.

Yoga is union with what?

  • It is union of your body and your consciousness. That happens through mindful practice of poses, breath, etc. See article on "How Yoga Works?" for details. To put it simple - Yoga by construction have to be practiced mindfully. And a simple, down to earth, explanation of "why?" - it is because Yoga is another level of sophistication in comparison to relatively primitive gym exercises.
  • And then there is another level of union - it is union of you as you used to think about yourself and deeper, true you. Union with everybody and everything. It comes with Bliss Consciousness rising in us. This is something we will discuss much more in connection to meditation and "advanced" aspects of Yoga. They are advanced because they are beyond of just another "physical exercise", the way Yoga perceived by many. Advanced here doesn't mean "hard to do", in fact, those parts of Yoga (meditation in particular) can be practiced by anyone, even very ill people, or senior people...
    In any case - you decide what is Yoga for you. If all you want from Yoga is physical aspect - that is fine! You will profit already from that a lot!

  • Reference By:  
  • Beginner Yoga: first steps with yoga video

    with beginner Yoga basics:
    flexing your spinal column backward and forward with Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar). Have a look a dedicated article with details and videos here: Sun Salutation step-by-step detailed how-to videos and main article here: Sun Salutation.
    stretching legs (leg raises with stretching)
    strengthening abdomen and lower back - these two groups of muscles are extremely important for your well being. If they are under-developed - sooner or later you will start to have problems, serious problems with your back. Those come slowly, but when such problems appear in your life - they are there for long time. And there is very little fun about back pain and all the related other diseases and pains.
    strengthening our legs
    stretching sides of our upper body
    taking away stiffness from our upper body, shoulders and neck even (stiffness in those places is the way your stressful life-style "accumulates" in your body)
    opening our body even more with backward bends
    massaging our back
    even massaging our internal organs (for better digestion)
    strengthening our upper body 

    Too much?!

    Yes this is a long list of benefits indeed!!! And the beginner yoga sequence I propose in the next yoga video clips is actually simpler than it may sound. 

    Beginner Yoga video

    - you will find them with detailed comments on benefits, how-to instructions, etc. Listen, try to follow. After a few times you will be quite confident and would be able to follow most or all of the yoga asanas and moves demonstrated.   

    Relaxation at the end

    - please give yourself a few minutes for final relaxation (not shown in the last part yoga video) - on your back, as shown for example in the first part, after Sun Salutation. See also a dedicated article and video on final relaxation: LINK. 

    How do you feel?

    After already the first session you will feel a lot. Especially if your body was mostly inactive lately. You will re-learn to feel your body alive, your muscles working, your breath deepening... You may notice even a smile of joy on your face after the practice, after a relaxation at the end. You may feel some muscle soreness in your muscles next day or two. - That is normal (if not too much). - If you were passive with your body for long time. To ease soreness do a few rounds of Sun Salutation in the morning for a few minutes. 

    Reference  By:

    Yoga Poses in 12 Easy Steps : Sun Salutation

    Sun Salutation Step 1

    Stand with both feet touching. Bring your hands together, palm to palm, at the heart. Make sure your weight is evenly distributed. Exhale.

    Sun Salutation Step 2

    Raise your arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head. Relax your neck. Inhale.

    Bend Forward Step 3

    Exhale while you slowly bend forward until your hands are in line with your feet, touching your head to your knees, if possible. Press your palms down, fingertips in line with toes (bend your knees if you have to), and touch the floor.

    Lunge Step 4

    Move your right leg back behind your body in a wide lunge. As you inhale, keep your hands and feet on the ground, with your left foot between your hands, and raise your head

    Plank Step 5

    Bring your left foot together with your right foot.

    Push Up Step 6

    Exhale as you lower your body, resting on your forearms.

    Upward Facing Dog Step 7

    As you inhale, lower your pelvis to the ground and raise your head and bend backward as far as possible, while straightening your arms.

    Downward Dog Step 8

    Putting your hand on the ground and keeping your arms straight, raise your hips and align your head with your arms. Exhale.  

    Lunge Step 9

    Slowly inhale and bend your right leg to take a wide forward step. Keeping your hands firmly on the ground, place your right foot between your hands and lift your head up.  

    Bend Forward Step 10

    Keeping your hands in place, bring both feet together. Straighten your legs but keep your waist bent and upper body lowered. Touch your head to your knees, if possible. Exhale.

    Sun Salutation Step 11

    Slowly rise, straightening your back into a standing pose. Bend backward, stretching your arms above your head as you inhale.

    Mountain Pose Step 12

    Return to position number 1. Exhale.

    Monday 25 March 2013

    Things I need to know when I start Yoga


    Clothing should be loose & comfortable, to allow easy movement of the body. In the cooler months, have socks and jumper on hand for the relaxation, to keep you warm.

    No eating 1 - 2 hours before Yoga class. A full abdomen will make you uncomfortable for asana practice and tired for meditation.

    No comparing yourself to anyone else! Yoga is non-competitive. Let your focus remain with you. Simply be aware of your abilities. Regardless of age, level of fitness or state of health, ALL people are encouraged to do Yoga.

    Do Your Best as self-effort is a Yoga discipline. Try your best, no matter how many times you have practised a posture. Experiment within the yoga postures to discover how it best suits you.

    Allow yourself to relax Relaxation is not a luxury, it is a necessity for everyone in order to create the balance we are looking for.

    Rest when you need to! Use resting time to reflect and absorb your Yoga experience.

    Concentrate on your Breathing in each of the Yoga postures. Your breath will help your body relax and keep the mind focused. Nothing will inhibit steady progress if you maintain Breath Awareness.

    Avoid pushing or forcing into stretches, which means, don't work beyond the limitations of your own body. The emphasis is on 'letting go' rather than pushing the body through borders of pain.

    Be Aware during the class. Heighten your senses to areas of tension or discomfort in your body; be aware of your personal space and keep the area around your mat clean and uncluttered.

    Switch off your mind from any busy thoughts. Allow yourself this time for your practice and your own wellbeing. This includes switching off your mobile phone before you enter the yoga room.

    Shoes are left in the shoe racks. Remember to never wear or take them in the space where yoga is practiced.

    Be on time to classes. But if on the odd occassion you are late please enter the space very quietly so as not to disturb the others who are enjoying their much needed relaxation.

    Let your mindful practice radiate to all that you do including returning the yoga equipment (mats, blankets etc) neatly back to their place at the end of the session.

    Cautions I should know about

    Let the teacher know of any injuries or relevant medical information. Especially if you are new or have a new teacher. Then we are better able to guide your practice to keep it safe.

    During menstruation ladies are recommended to practise the more gentle yoga exercises and avoid inverted poses (upside down postures). During this time be careful not to exert the body.

    High blood pressure, dizziness & heart conditions are conditions Important for your Instructor to know about before the class so that they can offer variations on certain exercises.

    Light-headed, Headaches, Dizziness, Cramps & other physical complaints may be experienced after a Yoga class. Newly stretched muscles may respond by cramping or twitching, and toxins liberated from usually tense muscles, may cause headaches or nausea. This is a good sign that your body is detoxing! Symptoms will quickly disappear by drinking water, a warm shower and breathing fresh air.

    Pregnant Women If you are wishing to start yoga within your first trimester we suggest you get your health care practitioners OK before commencing. Women can practice Yoga at all stages throughout pregnancy. Pre Natal classes are the best option. Otherwise we recommend you attend an easy yoga / level 1 class. Inform the instructor the trimester of pregnancy, so that appropriate variations and recommendations can be made. Meditation and Relaxation is wonderfully beneficial for mother and child.

    Yoga Words

    Asana = Yoga posture / exercise

    Full Yoga Breath = inhaling deeply without force, first into lower lungs, feelilng the abdomen rise, then filling the mid-portion of the lungs, feeling side-ribs expand and finally taking the breath to the top of the lungs, feeling top of the chest rise. Exhaling slowly and gently, relax.

    Pranayama = yogic breathing techniques. These are effectively used as tools for stress management and preparing the mind for meditation.

    Meditation = is a practical means to attain peace of mind. There are many techniques that can help us relax; become focusses and develop concentration; to practice Self Analysis & Self Awareness to work to overcome the tendancies that create a restless mind.

    Yoga Nidra = is a Deep Relaxation technique that provides profound physical & mental relaxation. The ability to deeply relax at will deepen one's sense of inner peace and calm.

    Yoga & Meditation will improve your health & quality of life!

    The Benefits of Yoga

    • Less Stress

    • Improved Posture

    • Bodily Strength & Flexibility

    • Relaxed Breathing

    • Clear Thinking

    • Self Confidence

    • Ideal Weight

    • Lots of Energy

    • Inner Peace & True Happiness

    The Australian Association of Yoga in Daily Life®

    Two Reasons Why You Need To Make Time For Yoga

    Let’s talk about yoga. Do you think it’s a calming and low impact form of exercise? While it can be, yoga also offers challenges that are suitable for exercise newbies and professional athletes alike.

    Although mastering the form and spending time showing off a perfect yoga pose on an empty beach or atop a scenic mountain looks good, yoga is about building strength. No matter how much I can bench press, there will always be a need for yoga in my life but for many years, I viewed yoga as simply gentle stretching in peaceful surroundings. Pretty much something I would do on my rest day from what I considered to be ‘real exercise’. I loved the calm but at about the 30 minute mark I’d be desperate to leave any yoga class because my mind would start to get busy thinking about all of the errands I needed to do … Watching the clock, I’d be thinking to myself ‘when is this going to be over?’

    I knew there were many disciplines of yoga, all with unique benefits and challenges but I admit that I had no idea you could get so strong from practicing yoga.
    Finding the right yoga style for you

    As a group fitness instructor, I have always felt the need to be well rounded and certified in several areas of fitness. Becoming a dynamic instructor with skills that relate to people with all types of interests has always been my top priority. I wanted to add yoga to my skill set, so I looked for a style that would suit my personality. It won’t come as a surprise when I tell you that I signed up for a ‘power yoga’ weekend. It may make you laugh that my ‘power’ trip made me realize I need yoga in my life to help me focus on myself and be present in the moment for more than 30 minutes at a time, It turns out that, for me, the physical strength benefits were outweighed by the mental strength I needed to develop! I came to the realization that yoga makes you strong in ways beyond the physical.

    If you are like me and have a busy mind, always thinking about your next task, maybe you need yoga to help you develop mental strength too. Do you want to get a strong and flexible body? Or, do you need to spend time following a set and flowing routine to help you develop some co-ordination? Whatever your needs or fitness goals; let me share with you my three favorite yoga styles and show you how yoga can make you strong.

    Hatha Yoga

    Hatha yoga is a style that truly encourages the mind-body connection, it is a very traditional practice focused on truly controlling the breath and calming the mind through meditation. I find this style of yoga practice great for slow, controlled and focused movements and it is my favorite for a full mental workout. This style is great for anyone new to exercise because a lot of emphasis is placed on being in perfect alignment.

    Ashtanga Yoga

    There are many variations of this dynamic style of yoga, but traditional ashtanga yoga it is based on a set of flowing movements. Each movement is directly connected to your breath, one movement on your inhale and the next movement on your exhale. If you like to follow a set routine without much variation this style of yoga is for you. No matter which studio you go to, the flow will be the same making it a perfect choice for people who travel and love keep some consistency in their routine.
    Once you have the basic movements mastered, the breathing can truly become the focus of your practice. Ashtanga yoga is calming and stress relieving and I think that ashtanga yoga provides participants with a true physical challenge that will strengthen your muscles and help you to stay focused.

    Bikram or Hot Yoga

    Bikram yoga is a mind-body-physical challenge like no other. This style is based very closely on the traditional ashtanga flow yoga but with an added element of difficulty; the room is kept at a temperature of about 100-105 degrees. The heat makes you sweat profusely and creates an environment that is believed to help the body de-toxify and also to improve your ability to stretch further with each pose.

    Bikram yoga can help you to get strong toned sexy arms, flat lean abs and killer leg definition because the flow of movements in the heat challenges your entire body. I love it because I can’t think about running errands or anything other than breathing and moving in an attempt to stay alive and survive! I believe I gain true mental strength and willpower from practicing bikram yoga because just staying in the room is a challenge for me. Many studios use great music to help keep you motivated but let me warn you that this practice is not those people new to exercise.

    There are dangers associated with working out in the heat so use caution and be aware of the dangers before you take a class. A typical class lasts for about 75 minutes. My husband goes to our local studio every day armed with water and Herbalife24 Hydrate dietary supplement and I try to brave the bikram studio at least twice a week even if I’m traveling.
    Allow yoga to make you strong

    I can’t think of anybody who wouldn’t benefit from developing mental strength while also improving their physical strength. I hope I have sparked your curiosity enough for you to give yoga a try so that you can discover for yourself that yoga is not just for relaxing on your off day from running or going to the gym. Yoga can give you a challenging workout that will build your strength in ways you never imagined.

    Two Reasons Why You Need To Make Time For Yoga
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